Tentunya sobat sudah tahu apa itu Deep Freeze, yaitu program untuk membuat file komputer tetap dalam keadaan semula walau file tersebut dihapus/ditambah. Tetapi Deep Freeze tidak begitu efektif karena banyak hacker yang bisa menjebolnya. Nah, Wondershare Time Freeze 2.0.3 Full + Key ini mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan Deep Freeze, tetapi lebih aman karena jarang sekali pembobolnya..
Dan juga Wondershare Time Freeze 2.0.3 Full + Key mempunyai fitur untuk memblokir akses ke suatu folder tertentu yang tidak dimiliki oleh Deep Freeze. Sobat juga tidak perlu membekukan PC serepot menggunakan Deep Freeze, karena dengan Wondershare Time Freeze 2.0.3 Full + Key ini sobat tidak perlu reboot PC saat akan membekukan PC. Dan sobat dapat terhindar dari ancaman virus/malware saat bersurfing di internet ketika Wondershare Time Freeze 2.0.3 Full + Key membekukan PC sobat..

- Added support to 64-bit OS: while Time Freeze 1.0 is only compatible to 32-bit OS, Time Freeze 2.0 added support to 64-bit OS including Windows 7, XP, Vista and Windows 2000, so as to satisfy users of 64-bit OS.
- New MBR protection: protect the boot sector of the main hard disk to guarantee the normal startup of computer.
- New Physical Memory Buffer Mode: when users enable System Protection in Time Freeze 2.0, they can apply this Physical Memory Buffer Mode, which can first speed up virtual system performance at least 60%, and second minimize the frequency of writing/reading hard disk and prolong its service life.
- New USB protection: prevent virus/malware threats from USB sticks to infect your computer, and prevent authorized users to copy your important files using USB sticks.
- Improved Folder Protection: the software kernel of Folder Protection is rewritten in order to bring stronger defense against threats of virus/spyware and keep protected files safe and clean.
- Auto hide system tray icon: annoyed by the flashing system tray icon? It is gone in Time Freeze 2.0. Users can also press hot key (Ctrl+Alt+F8) to hide/show the icon.
- Revolutionary new interface: the interface of Time Freeze 2.0 is a completely new design with the same logic and improved intuitiveness and appearance.
- More flexible options: with Time Freeze 2.0, it is more flexible to save/discard virtual system data when return to the real system; it is also possible to set different protection mode for different folders.
- Updated brand VI.
- Updated the copyright information for 2011. Updated information for 2011 copyright.
- Modified the Buy and updated links to Wondershare.com. Buy modify and update links to Wondershare.com.
- Added Support Center and Customer Service Contact links in Help menu. Added Support Center and Customer Service Contacts link on the Help menu.
Download Time Freeze 2.0.3 Full
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